Connecting Healthcare Awards 2020
EFPIA is delighted to announce that the call for applications for the 2020 Connecting Healthcare Awards is now open. This Awards seeks to turn the spotlight on innovative collaborative projects that have benefitted the lives of patients across Europe. To be eligible, projects shall showcase successful multi-stakeholder collaborations, on national and EU level, that include patient organisations and industry partners. Projects […]
III edición de la Ayuda Merck Salud de Investigación en Resultados de Salud
La Fundación Merck Salud ha convocado la III edición de la Ayuda Merck Salud de Investigación en Resultados de Salud, que pretende analizar y cuantificar los resultados que generan las distintas intervenciones sanitarias (medicamentos, procedimientos quirúrgicos, técnicas diagnósticas o terapéuticas, productos sanitarios, modelos organizativos, etc.) en condiciones de práctica médica habitual. Se otorgará una Ayuda […]
PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION ECTRIMS offers a postdoctoral research fellowship exchange programme for young neuroscientists to facilitate their conduct of and training in basic, clinical or applied research related to multiple sclerosis (MS). The goal of the programme is to maximize exchange of information and to help grow the pool of well-trained research scientists focused on problems […]
XXX Edición Ayudas Merck de Investigación 2021
Un año más, la Fundación Merck Salud convoca las Ayudas Merck de Investigación 2021, este año es muy especial porque se trata de la convocatoria número XXX. Las Ayudas Merck de Investigación 2021, están destinadas a financiar proyectos de investigación inéditos presentados por investigadores que puedan llevar a cabo el estudio propuesto en España, en un plazo […]
Centro: Universidad de Lleida ( Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida ( Grupo: Neurocognición, Psicobiologia de la Personalidad y Genética de la Conducta. IP: Dr. Anton Aluja (Catedrático de Personalidad y Psicopatología). Beca asociada al proyecto: PID2019-103981RB-I00 (EFECTO DE LA PERSONALIDAD EN LA TOMA DE DECISIONES Y ACTIVIDAD DEL LOBULO PREFRONTAL DEL CORTEX MEDIANTE ESPECTROSCOPIA […]
Publicació d’articles i llibres per part de la SCNPS

A l’apartat de Notícies de la web, podeu trobar tota l’actualitat relacionada amb la neuropsicologia: darreres publicacions d’articles, llibres, beques i premis i informació de la SCNPS, entre d’altres. La SCNPS us convida a participar en aquesta secció de Notícies enviant-nos informació sobre articles o llibres relacionats amb la neuropsicologia que hagueu publicat recentment. En cas […]
Venture Grant Application
CurePSP has always believed that truly effective clinical interventions will follow good, solid basic scientific research. For this reason, CurePSP promotes research that helps generate an integrated picture of PSP and CBD at pre-clinical and clinical levels. CurePSP believes that in the long term, research of this nature will prove indispensable in developing a prevention […]
Warren Alpert Foundation Prize
The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability […]
The EPNA is awarded for outstanding scientific publications by early career scientists published in 2019, and endowed with 3,000 EUR. The application deadline is September 18th, 2020. The winner will in addition be awarded with the opportunity for a special lecture at the NEURON Midterm Symposium taking place in Berlin, Germany, 26th of January 2021. […]
AFTD Pilot Grants
AFTD Pilot Grants provide seed funding for innovative research projects in the preliminary stages of development, with an emphasis on early-career investigators in the process of establishing an independent research program. Projects funded through the Pilot Grant program are intended to generate data to support a follow-on grant application to the NIH, another public agency […]