A Systematic Review of Executive Function and Information Processing Speed in Major Depression Disorder
The aim of this systematic review was to examine the evidence regarding the neuropsychological profile of people with major depression and to determine which of two explanatory models-the processing speed hypothesis or the cognitive effort hypothesis-has most empirical support.
Developmental trajectories of social cognition from preschool to adolescence
This longitudinal study aims to define the developmental trajectories of social cognition (SC) in a community sample (N = 378) assessed from preschool (3 years old) to preadolescence (12 years old).
Characterization and management of cognitive and emotional alterations in COVID-19 critically ill patients after ICU discharge
Focusing in COVID-19 patients, is known that SARS-CoV-2 infection affects both the peripheral and the central nervous systems and is associated with a broad spectrum of neurological syndromes.2 Although rates of psychiatric morbidity associated with COVID-19-related brain dysfunction remain unknown, early reports suggest that non-critical SARS-CoV-2 patients suffer from attention deficits, processing speed difficulties and anomia after overcoming the disease.
Enriched Music-supported Therapy for chronic stroke patients: a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial
Residual motor deficits of the upper limb in patients with chronic stroke are common and have a negative impact on autonomy, participation and quality of life. Music-Supported Therapy (MST) is an effective intervention to enhance motor and cognitive function, emotional well-being and quality of life in chronic stroke patients.
Effects of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Mental Health in Individuals with Increased Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
We explored the impact of the Spanish COVID-19 strict home confinement on mental health and cognition in non-infected subjects (N = 16, 60-80 years) diagnosed with subjective cognitive decline and APOEɛ3/ɛ4 carriers. Mental health was monitored for 2 months on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, and compared to pre-confinement values.
Effect of retirement on cognitive function: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The study aimed to determine the longitudinal association between retirement and cognitive function, including global cognition and memory-related skills.
A critical review of the epidemiological evidence of effects of air pollution on dementia, cognitive function and cognitive decline in adult population
Dementia is arguably the most pressing public health challenge of our age. Since dementia does not have a cure, identifying risk factors that can be controlled has become paramount to reduce the personal, societal and economic burden of dementia. The relationship between exposure to air pollution and effects on cognitive function, cognitive decline and dementia has stimulated increasing scientific interest in the past few years.
Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment, Second Edition: A Neuropsychological Perspective (Evidence-Based Practice in Neuropsychology), Second Edition.

The Guilford Press publishes the book Assessment of Feigned Cognitive Impairment, Second Edition: A Neuropsychological Perspective (Evidence-Based Practice in Neuropsychology) Second Edition, edited by Kyle Brauer Boone, Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at the University of California. The go-to resource for clinical and forensic practice has now been significantly revised […]
Connecting Healthcare Awards 2020
EFPIA is delighted to announce that the call for applications for the 2020 Connecting Healthcare Awards is now open. This Awards seeks to turn the spotlight on innovative collaborative projects that have benefitted the lives of patients across Europe. To be eligible, projects shall showcase successful multi-stakeholder collaborations, on national and EU level, that include patient organisations and industry partners. Projects […]
III edición de la Ayuda Merck Salud de Investigación en Resultados de Salud
La Fundación Merck Salud ha convocado la III edición de la Ayuda Merck Salud de Investigación en Resultados de Salud, que pretende analizar y cuantificar los resultados que generan las distintas intervenciones sanitarias (medicamentos, procedimientos quirúrgicos, técnicas diagnósticas o terapéuticas, productos sanitarios, modelos organizativos, etc.) en condiciones de práctica médica habitual. Se otorgará una Ayuda […]