Fes-te Soci

Àrea Privada

Directori de Socis

Persons with first episode psychosis have distinct profiles of social cognition and metacognition

Although previous studies have investigated the role of profiles of individuals in social cognition and metacognition in chronic schizophrenia, profiling subjects with first-episode psychosis in both domains remains to be investigated. We used latent profile analysis to derive profiles of the abilities in 174 persons with first-episode psychosis using the Beck’s Cognitive Insight Scale, the Faces Test, the Hinting Task, the Internal, Personal and Situational Attributions Questionnaire, and the Beads Task.

Effects of Nutrition on Cognitive Function in Adults with or without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials

The authors conducted a comprehensive systematic search of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in MEDLINE-PubMed, from January 2018 to July 2021, investigating the impact of dietary counseling, as well as food-based and dietary supplement interventions on cognitive function in adults with or without cognitive impairment. Based on the search strategy, 197 eligible publications were used for data abstraction.

Fundamentos históricos de la Neuropsicología y de la Neurología de la Conducta

L’Editorial Test Barcelona Services S. L. ha editat el llibre Fundamentos históricos de la Neuropsicología y de la Neurología de la Conducta, escrit per Alberto García Molina i Jordi Peña-Casanova. Obra d’obligada lectura per a entendre la Neuropsicologia i la Neurologia de la Conducta actuals Aporta un recorregut històric sobre las bases cerebrals de la […]