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AFTD Pilot Grants provide seed funding for innovative research projects in the preliminary stages of development, with an emphasis on early-career investigators in the process of establishing an independent research program. Projects funded through the Pilot Grant program are intended to generate data to support a follow-on grant application to the NIH, another public agency or a nonprofit organization.

AFTD funds three types of Pilot Grants:

  • Basic Science Pilot Grants – These grants support projects focused on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying FTD.
  • Susan Marcus Translational Research Pilot Grants – Funded by a generous donor, these grants support projects using human subjects or biofluid/tissue samples to answer questions about FTD pathology or to advance clinical practice.
  • Well-Being in FTD Pilot Grants – These grants support nonpharmacological therapeutic interventions or state-of-the-art technologies with the potential to positively impact the daily quality of life for persons with FTD and their families.

Award Details (All Pilot Grant Categories)

  • Funding period: 1 year
  • Amount of award (USD): $60,000
  • Application of funds: Direct costs only

Who can apply?

  • New or early-stage investigators in the process of establishing an independent research program who
    • Have a faculty appointment or are serving a medical residency at an academic institution, teaching hospital, or other not-for-profit research institution; OR
    • Are employed in an equivalent position at a for-profit biotechnology start-up organization
  • U.S. and international researchers
  • Postdoctoral fellows cannot be Pilot Grant PIs, unless confirmation of a faculty appointment that will start within 3 months of the beginning of the funding period

2020 Well-Being in FTD Pilot Grant: Revised RFP and Application Deadline

A revised RFP for the 2020 Well-Being in FTD Pilot Grant is now available; click here to view.

Revised Deadline for Applications: October 2, 2020, 5:00 pm ET

2020 Basic Research Pilot Grant RFP and application deadline

The RFP for the 2020 Basic Science Pilot Grant is now available; click here to view.

Deadline for applications: October 9, 2020, 5:00 pm ET

Translational Research Pilot Grant

No awards in this category will be made in 2020. 

Timeline: 2020 Well-Being in FTD Pilot Grants

  • July 2020: Revised RFP posted
  • October 2, 2020: Application deadline
  • December 2020: Funding decision announced

Timeline: 2020 Basic Science Pilot Grants

  • August 2020: RFP posted
  • October 9, 2020: Application deadline
  • December 2020: Funding decision announced
AFTD Application Submission PortalClick here to log in or create your account.General Instructions for ApplicantsClick here to download instructions to help you as you apply for an AFTD Pilot Grant.

For more information, please contact AFTD Research Manager Debra Niehoff, PhD ([email protected]).

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