Horizon 2020: Behavioural, social and economic impacts of the outbreak response
Proposals should focus on lessons learnt: they should i) address how to mitigate social and economic impacts of the outbreak response related to health systems; ii) identify non-intended consequences of epidemic-control decisions; and iii) provide answers to social, including gendered, dynamics of the outbreak and the related public health response.
Contesta l’enquesta sobre afàsia de la Universitat de Màlaga
Des de la Unitat de Neurologia Cognitiva i Afàsia de la Universitat de Màlaga en la qual treballen neuròlegs, neuropsicòlegs i logopedes volen conèixer les característiques (i dificultats) de l’atenció clínica a persones amb afàsia, especialment pel que fa a la rehabilitació del llenguatge. Es sol criticar que la investigació bàsica i la pràctica clínica […]
Neural-based Valuation of Functional Foods Among Lean and Obese Individuals
Functional foods may contribute to establish healthy eating habits and reduce obesity and related comorbidities. Differences in the brain mechanisms underpinning the valuation of functional foods in individuals with excess weight may inform the development of attractive functional foods.
Brain Activity and Connectivity Differences in Reward Value Discrimination During Effort Computation in Schizophrenia
Negative symptoms in the motivational domain are strongly correlated with deficits in social and occupational functioning in schizophrenia. However, the neural substrates underlying these symptoms remain largely unknown.
Inflammatory Agents Partially Explain Associations Between Cortical Thickness, Surface Area, and Body Mass in Adolescents and Young Adulthood
Excessive body mass index (BMI) has been linked to a low-grade chronic inflammation state. Unhealthy BMI has also been related to neuroanatomical changes in adults. Research in adolescents is relatively limited and has produced conflicting results.
Associations Between Cognitive Impairment and P300 Mean Amplitudes in Individuals With Bipolar Disorder in Remission
Cognitive functions are often affected during the euthymic state of bipolar disorder (BD). In this study, we investigated the associations among cognitive complaints, objective cognitive functions, and the mean amplitudes of the P300 event-related potential (ERP) wave in individuals with BD.
Data for Functional MRI Connectivity in Transgender People With Gender Incongruence and Cisgender Individuals
We provide T2*-weighted and T1-weighted images acquired on a 3T MRI scanner obtained from 17 transwomen and 29 transmen with gender incongruence; and 22 ciswomen and 19 cismen that identified themselves to the sex assigned at birth
Third Ventricle Width Assessed by Transcranial Sonography as Predictor of Long-Term Cognitive Impairment
Non-invasive biomarkers of cognitive impairment are needed. We aim to evaluate transcranial sonographic markers as predictors of cognitive impairment in a prospective cohort.
Attenuated Brain Responses to Speech Sounds in Moderate Preterm Infants at Term Age
Recent findings have revealed that very preterm neonates already show the typical brain responses to place of articulation changes in stop consonants, but data on their sensitivity to other types of phonetic changes remains scarce.
Metacognition of Daily Self-Regulation Processes and Personality Traits in Borderline Personality Disorder
Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are characterized by impoverished self-regulatory mechanisms and self-image distortions. An intriguing question is to what extent BPD individuals develop accurate perceptions of their self-regulatory everyday functioning. Here, we tackle this issue evaluating their metacognitive abilities.