Fes-te Soci

Àrea Privada

Directori de Socis


Articles d’interès



Articles d’interès

Characterization and management of cognitive and emotional alterations in COVID-19 critically ill patients after ICU discharge

Focusing in COVID-19 patients, is known that SARS-CoV-2 infection affects both the peripheral and the central nervous systems and is associated with a broad spectrum of neurological syndromes. Although rates of psychiatric morbidity associated with COVID-19-related brain dysfunction remain unknown, early reports suggest that non-critical SARS-CoV-2 patients suffer from attention deficits, processing speed difficulties and anomia after overcoming the disease

Brain Structural Changes during Juvenile Fibromyalgia: Relationships with Pain, Fatigue and Functional Disability

Juvenile fibromyalgia (JFM) is a prevalent chronic pain condition affecting children and adolescents worldwide during a critical period of brain development. To date, no published studies have addressed the pathophysiology of JFM. Here we characterize gray matter volume (GMV) alterations in JFM patients for the first time and investigate their functional and clinical relevance

Is the effect of cognitive reserve in longitudinal outcomes in first-episode psychoses dependent on the use of cannabis?

The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in clinical presentation according to the use of cannabis (cannabis users vs non-users) among patients presenting a FEP (non-affective vs affective psychosis), to investigate the impact of CR and cannabis use on several outcomes and to explore the potentially mediatory role played by CR in the relationship between cognitive domains or clinical status and functionality, depending on the use of cannabis.

Cognitive Impairment in Genetic Parkinson’s Disease

In this review, we summarize data regarding cognitive function on clinical studies, neuroimaging, and biological markers of cognitive decline in autosomal dominant PD linked to mutations in LRRK2 and SNCA, autosomal recessive PD linked to Parkin and PINK1, and also PD linked to GBA mutations.
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