Notícies SCNPS
- Felicitacions ·
- 10/24/2023·
Felicitacions a la catedràtica Natalia Ojeda pel seu nou càrrec com a presidenta de la lnternational Neuropsychological Society (INS)!
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- 02/20/2022·
Neuropsychological deficits in patients with cognitive complaints after COVID-19
The aims of this study were to (1) explore the frequency of impaired performance across cognitive domains in post-COVID patients with subjective complaints and (2) uncover whether impairment existed within a single domain or across multiple
- 02/20/2022·
Characterization and management of cognitive and emotional alterations in COVID-19 critically ill patients after ICU discharge
Focusing in COVID-19 patients, is known that SARS-CoV-2 infection affects both the peripheral and the central nervous systems and is associated with a broad spectrum of neurological syndromes. Although rates of psychiatric morbidity associated with COVID-19-related brain dysfunction remain unknown, early reports suggest that non-critical SARS-CoV-2 patients suffer from attention deficits, processing speed difficulties and anomia after overcoming the disease
- 02/20/2022·
Hypothalamic pregnenolone mediates recognition memory in the context of metabolic disorders
Acute obesogenic diet administration in mice impaired recognition memory due to defective production of the neurosteroid precursor pregnenolone in the hypothalamus. Genetic interference with pregnenolone synthesis by Star deletion in hypothalamic POMC, but not AgRP neurons, deteriorated recognition memory independently of metabolic disturbances.
- 02/20/2022·
Brain Structural Changes during Juvenile Fibromyalgia: Relationships with Pain, Fatigue and Functional Disability
Juvenile fibromyalgia (JFM) is a prevalent chronic pain condition affecting children and adolescents worldwide during a critical period of brain development. To date, no published studies have addressed the pathophysiology of JFM. Here we characterize gray matter volume (GMV) alterations in JFM patients for the first time and investigate their functional and clinical relevance
- 02/20/2022·
Sex Differences in Brain and Cognition in de novo Parkinson’s Disease
Brain atrophy and cognitive impairment in neurodegenerative diseases are influenced by sex. We aimed to investigate sex differences in brain atrophy and cognition in de novo Parkinson's disease (PD) patients
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