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Marta Cano

Departament de Psiquiatria, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge-I Dl BELL

2013: Participation in the Expert Advice of Recent Graduates in Psycholog/ to develop the structure ofthe Master's Degree in General Health Psychology (UAB).
2013 - present: PhD Student. University of Barcelona.
2013 - present: Pre-doctoral Fellow. Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute-IDIBELL.
2014 - present: Grant from the Spanish Ministry for Education, Culture and Sport.
2015 - present: Teaching in the Bachelors Degree in Biomedical Sciences (UB).
2016: Rosa Gené Prize (pòster award). Societat Catalana de Neuropsicologia.
2017-present. Member ofthe G-17 Research Group of CIBER-Carlos III Mental Health Institute.
2017: Mobility Fellowship. Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
2017-2018: Non-Employee PhD Student. Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, US.
2018: Massachusetts General Hospital-Harvard Medical School Prize (mobility award).

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Ponències de  Marta Cano

Correlacions volumètriques i metabòliques del cervell de la teràpia
electroconvulsiva per a la depressió resistent al tractament

Investigacions recents suggereixen que els canvis neuroplàstics i neuroinflamatoris poden representar el mode d'acció de la teràpia electroconvulsiva (ECT).

29 June 2018
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